
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

infinityoverview:overview [2008/10/15 13:15]
infinityoverview:overview [2008/10/15 17:01] (current)
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 It is included but you can use your own Contact Management/CRM system if you prefer. It is included but you can use your own Contact Management/CRM system if you prefer.
 ==== How Does it Help ? ====  ==== How Does it Help ? ==== 
-{{infinityoverview:cm_p5_dtop_tfc.jpg |}} **Your Customers** - no longer have to repeat information that was previously hidden from the agent in another system. +{{infinityoverview:cm_p5_dtop_tfc.jpg |}} 
 +**Your Customers** - no longer have to repeat information that was previously hidden from the agent in another system. 
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 **Your Agents** - can capture customer contact details, reason for the call, as well as storing crucial historical data without using multiple applications. **Your Agents** - can capture customer contact details, reason for the call, as well as storing crucial historical data without using multiple applications.