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infinityoverview:quality_monitoring [2008/06/03 12:30]
infinityoverview:quality_monitoring [2008/10/02 17:32] (current)
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 ===== Quality Assurance ===== ===== Quality Assurance =====
-Quality Assurance has become an essential ‘must have’ for all contact centres. Whether you’re organisation is regulated by the DMA, FSA, Ofcom, Ofgem or Energy Watch, increasingly contact centres must be able to demonstrate tight control over {{ infinityoverview:basic_qa_flow_reduced.jpg|}} their business activities. Most contact centres still find themselves managing QA with paper based processes and bulging filing cabinets. Infinity CCS have a solution that avoids paperwork all together. +Quality Assurance has become an essential ‘must have’ for all contact centres. Whether you’re organisation is regulated by the DMA, FSA, Ofcom, Ofgem or Energy Watch, increasingly contact centres must be able to demonstrate tight control over {{ infinityoverview:basic_qa_flow_reduced.jpg|}} 
 + their business activities. Most contact centres still find themselves managing QA with paper based processes and bulging filing cabinets. Infinity CCS have a solution that avoids paperwork all together. 
 By using electronic signatures Infinity QA ensures complete electronic audit trails of all QA activity, from scheduling of QA cycles, to scoring agents quality performance, to red flagging non-compliant calls, recording of training and coaching sessions and follow up activities. The output from the system is a two dimensional view of agent and team performance based on quality and sales performance combined. By using electronic signatures Infinity QA ensures complete electronic audit trails of all QA activity, from scheduling of QA cycles, to scoring agents quality performance, to red flagging non-compliant calls, recording of training and coaching sessions and follow up activities. The output from the system is a two dimensional view of agent and team performance based on quality and sales performance combined.
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-  * 'User Friendly.' – Quality Assurance +  * 'User Friendly.' Quality Assurance 
-  * 'You only have to do one form on it, and you know how to use it, it’s so simple.' – Quality Assurance +  * 'You only have to do one form on it, and you know how to use it, it’s so simple.' Quality Assurance 
-  * 'I’ve worked in six call centres and this is one of the best systems I’ve used.' – Quality Assurance +  * 'I’ve worked in six call centres and this is one of the best systems I’ve used.' Quality Assurance 
-  * 'It makes it much easier without the paperwork' – Team Leader+  * 'It makes it much easier without the paperwork' Team Leader
 {{:block6.gif|}} [[infinitydocumentation:qa|Quality Monitoring Documentation]] {{:block6.gif|}} [[infinitydocumentation:qa|Quality Monitoring Documentation]]