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infinityoverview:reporting [2008/05/21 12:41]
infinityoverview:reporting [2008/10/15 13:18] (current)
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 ===== Agent & Team Performance ===== ===== Agent & Team Performance =====
-A key component for all call centres to meets its productivity objectives is the management information (MI) produced by the systems. MI is a particular focus point for ICCS as its customers often cost projects and charges based on the MI produced.+==== Introduction ==== 
 +{{infinityoverview:atp_1.jpg |}}A key component for all call centres to meets its productivity objectives is the management information (MI) produced by the systems. MI is a particular focus point for ICCS as its customers often cost projects and charges based on the MI produced.
 It is imperative therefore that the MI suite is flexible and extensible. In addition, the SQL based schema is totally open and documented, allowing custom reports/exports to be built using many third party products - security permitting. It is imperative therefore that the MI suite is flexible and extensible. In addition, the SQL based schema is totally open and documented, allowing custom reports/exports to be built using many third party products - security permitting.
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 MI can be viewed in a number of ways, typically screen and/or print. However, it is also possible to publish the MI to a secure Internet for retrieval and display to remote personnel. In fact, remote management can see the activity levels in real time away from their offices. MI can be viewed in a number of ways, typically screen and/or print. However, it is also possible to publish the MI to a secure Internet for retrieval and display to remote personnel. In fact, remote management can see the activity levels in real time away from their offices.
-{{infinitydocumentation:block1.gif|}} [[InfinityDocumentation:reporting36|Reporting Console]], [[InfinityDocumentation:RealTimeClient|Infinity Live]]+ 
 +Real-time & historical reporting – Whether your team is based at the local office, a remote office or at home, nationally or internationally; we have the supervisor tools to ensure all workers can be monitored and assisted in real time.  
 +Our real-time wallboards and role based dashboards display the office or geographical layout with activity and performance for each agent/team and/or agent performance in terms of gross margin, sales, conversion or quality scores etc. 
 +==== What is it ? ==== 
 +A suite of applications that provide real-time & historical key performance indicators (KPI’s) to the right people at the right time. 
 +==== How Does it Help ? ====  
 +{{ infinityoverview:atp_4.jpg|}} 
 +**Your Agents** - using plasma wallboards you can keep them aware of their own & their team targets; motivating them to take real-time action rather than after a shift. 
 +**Your Operational people** - can report on key metrics without having to run (or request from IT) separate reports from the ACD, CRM or Payroll systems; which means they can quickly identify problems and improve team management. 
 +**Your Financial People** - can report upon or see real time estimates of gross margin across teams, sites or countries; improving cost & invoicing controls. 
 +**Your IT people** - no longer have to produce bespoke reports and consolidate them as Operations can be self-sufficient for daily requirements. 
 +**Your Quality People** - are able to report on customer satisfaction using pre & post call automated web or IVR surveys. 
 +{{:block1.jpg|*}} [[InfinityDocumentation:reporting36|*Reporting Console]], [[InfinityDocumentation:RealTimeClient|*Infinity Live]]