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infinityoverview:reporting [2008/06/03 12:31]
infinityoverview:reporting [2008/10/15 13:18] (current)
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 ==== How Does it Help ? ====  ==== How Does it Help ? ==== 
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 **Your Agents** - using plasma wallboards you can keep them aware of their own & their team targets; motivating them to take real-time action rather than after a shift. **Your Agents** - using plasma wallboards you can keep them aware of their own & their team targets; motivating them to take real-time action rather than after a shift.
 **Your Operational people** - can report on key metrics without having to run (or request from IT) separate reports from the ACD, CRM or Payroll systems; which means they can quickly identify problems and improve team management. **Your Operational people** - can report on key metrics without having to run (or request from IT) separate reports from the ACD, CRM or Payroll systems; which means they can quickly identify problems and improve team management.
 **Your Financial People** - can report upon or see real time estimates of gross margin across teams, sites or countries; improving cost & invoicing controls. **Your Financial People** - can report upon or see real time estimates of gross margin across teams, sites or countries; improving cost & invoicing controls.
 **Your IT people** - no longer have to produce bespoke reports and consolidate them as Operations can be self-sufficient for daily requirements. **Your IT people** - no longer have to produce bespoke reports and consolidate them as Operations can be self-sufficient for daily requirements.
 **Your Quality People** - are able to report on customer satisfaction using pre & post call automated web or IVR surveys. **Your Quality People** - are able to report on customer satisfaction using pre & post call automated web or IVR surveys.
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-{{:block1.jpg|}} [[InfinityDocumentation:reporting36|Reporting Console]], [[InfinityDocumentation:RealTimeClient|Infinity Live]]+{{:block1.jpg|*}} [[InfinityDocumentation:reporting36|*Reporting Console]], [[InfinityDocumentation:RealTimeClient|*Infinity Live]]