
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

startnew [2012/10/03 16:20]
gbridle [Documentation]
startnew [2012/10/04 12:10] (current)
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-===== Welcome to the Infinity Wiki===== +[[http://www.infinityccs.com|{{:infinitydocumentation:40:infinitybanner.jpg|}}]] 
-{{iccsmainsmall.jpg|}} \\  +====== Welcome ====== 
-For an overview of our modules select below+Welcome to the Infinity Wiki site.  Here you can find the documentation for the new version (v4) of our product as well as the previous version (v3.7).  You will also find overviews of the technology involved, installation guides, tutorials and everything else you need to know about Infinity software. 
 +===== Overview ===== 
 +The Infinity product solution is comprised of several modules that work together to provide everything you need to effectively manage your contact centre operations. 
 +For an overview of the Infinity modules, click on one of the links below.
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 {{block3.jpg|}} [[infinityoverview:overview|Inbound & Outbound Contact Management]] \\  {{block3.jpg|}} [[infinityoverview:overview|Inbound & Outbound Contact Management]] \\ 
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 {{block2.jpg|}} [[infinityoverview:timesheets|Agent Timesheet]]\\  {{block2.jpg|}} [[infinityoverview:timesheets|Agent Timesheet]]\\ 
 {{block4.jpg|}} [[infinityoverview:predictive_dialing|Predictive Dialing]]\\  {{block4.jpg|}} [[infinityoverview:predictive_dialing|Predictive Dialing]]\\ 
- +===== Documentation =====
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-===== Documentation=====+
 You can find extensive documentation for Infinity4 by clicking [[infinitydocumentation:40|here]]. You can find extensive documentation for Infinity4 by clicking [[infinitydocumentation:40|here]].
 For documentation on v3.7, please click [[infinitydocumentation:37|here]] instead. For documentation on v3.7, please click [[infinitydocumentation:37|here]] instead.
-===== FAQ===== 
-You will find the answers to the Frequently Asked Question on the [[InfinityFAQ|Infinity FAQ]] page. 
-===== Latest Versions===== 
-You will find the details of each release in the [[ReleaseHistory|Release History]] pages. 
-You can also check out the content of future releases on the [[ReleaseHistory:WhatsToCome|What's to come]] section. 
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 [[HowTo|How to use the wiki]] [[HowTo|How to use the wiki]]
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-[[talk:start|Comments and feedback on wiki]]